Privacy policy


HOLDER OF THE TREATMENT GORILLA S.r.l. with registered office in Rome, Via Giuseppe Mercalli 13
VAT number: 16213181007
PEC dpo@pec.gorillaitalia.comPlease do not use these email addresses for order enquiries or general enquiries. For information on orders or general enquiries write to or contact us via the contact page
Categories of data processed common     data: master data- data
Minimum data protection measures: The server operating system, in which the web application and database is allocated, is installed on a cloud-based hardware infrastructure provided by the company Serverplan s.r.l. that can guarantee high levels of integrity, availability and confidentiality of information


Purpose of the processing Legal basis of the processing Data retention period Consequences of refusal to provide data Recipients of the data Subjects authorized to process
1 newsletter:

To send informational communications via e.mail and SMS and/or WhatsApp messages to those who explicitly request it by providing their email address and/or mobile phone number in the appropriate data collection form. This information may also be used for the description and promotion of services to potential customers. Subscription will also allow the Data Controller to manage the information and respond to any requests, including those for cancellation.

Registration will allow the Data Controller to manage the information and respond to your requests, including cancellation.

·                     Description and promotion of the service to potential customers.

Implicit consent in filling out the form The data collected will be kept until you ask to unsubscribe from the newsletter service. After this deadline, it will be destroyed or made anonymous compatibly with the technical procedures of cancellation and backup. Failure to fill out the form will make it impossible to send the newsletter The Data Controller;

The data can be communicated to subjects operating as data controllers (such as, by way of example, supervisory and control authorities and any public entity entitled to request the data) or

processed, on behalf of the Data Controller, by persons designated as Managers, who are given adequate operating instructions (such as, by way of example, companies that perform the management and / or maintenance service of the Websites of the Joint Data Controllers and information systems; companies that offer e-mail sendingservices, companies that perform tasks of couriers and / or intermediaries to the sale).

The data may be processed by employees of the company functions responsible for pursuing the purposes indicated above, who have been expressly authorized to process and who have received adequate operating instructions.
2 Execution of the Contract:

The processing of your personal data is necessary for the acquisition of preliminary information for the conclusion of the contracts you will enter into with the Data Controller, for the completion and execution of the contract

The contract 10 years after the last invoice was issued Failure to provide data will make it impossible for the company to follow up on your pre-contractual / contractual requests, to provide the service and / or perform the contract
3 Shipping of the order The contract The Data Controller will process your personal data exclusively for the time necessary to manage the existing contract between you and the Data Controller. In any case, your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years from the termination of the contract Failure to provide the requested data will make it impossible for the Data Controller to continue with your registration on the Site.
4 Web Treatment:

registration and access to the reserved area

Your personal data may be used by the Data Controller to satisfy your request for registration on the Site and to be able to provide you with the services connected to the reserved area of the Site.

Registration within the web platform

The contract
5 Web Treatment:

Sending requests through web platform tools.

Your personal data may be processed by the Data Controller to satisfy your requests made by writing to one of the e-mail addresses available on the Site or by filling out the registration and / or contact forms on the Site

The contract The data collected for this purpose will be processed for the time strictly necessary to satisfy your request and subsequently kept for 10 years after the request is processed Failure to provide the requested data will make it impossible for the Data Controller to execute your request.


6 Legal obligations:

Mandatory retention of documents to comply with legal obligations such as

contracts, documents, invoices prescribed by the legal system


Legal obligations Your personal data will be processed for this purpose for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations established by current legislation. In this regard, your personal data will be kept for 10 years from the termination of the contract or, if later, from a binding decision issued by an authority competent to do so (for example, court ruling), without prejudice to any retention obligations relating to particular categories of data, for longer periods of time, prescribed by the legal system Failure to provide the data will prevent the Data Controller from performing the activity requested by you and which presupposes the fulfillment of the legal obligation by the Data Controller itself.
7 Marketing:

Direct marketing, promotion and sale of products and services through the use of the results of the analysis activity Marketing conducted for legitimate interestThe Data Controller intends to process your personal data in order to send you commercial communications of products and services of the Data Controller, including direct marketing conducted using the results of the analysis or profiling activity, as well as proceed with direct sales and the carrying out of surveys or market research. The processing involves the processing of data for the simple purpose of sending the user communications regarding additional features, products and services offered strictly related to the relationship between the parties. The processing of personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller. These legitimate interests include the case of sending the user promotional material about its products and services. The Data Controller believes that the user has a reasonable expectation that this type of data processing will be carried out. The interested party, in fact, cannot but expect that the Data Controller does not carry out a processing of his personal data precisely because this is aimed at pursuing a legitimate interest. This evaluation is recognized by law in Recital no. 47 of the GDPR and is placed at the basis of the Treatment in question, only following an appropriate balancing of the interests and rights involved. In fact, the Data Controller believes that the processing in question aims to strengthen a direct and lasting relationship with the customer and that this interest is prevalent.

legitimate interest Your personal data, processed as described, will be deleted within 12 months from the dissolution of the last contractual bond with the Data Controller. If you decide to withdraw your consent or to object to the processing, your personal data will be deleted within 30 days of the request. Failure to provide data will not affect the satisfaction of your requests and the execution of contracts but will make it impossible for the Data Controller to send you marketing communications.



The rights of the interested parties (where applicable)

In relation to the data subject to the processing referred to in this statement, the interested party is recognized at any time the right to:

How to exercise the right
A Access (Article 15 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679); the interested party may request the exercise of his rights by writing an email to the address or by registered letter to the address:

Gorilla s.r.l.

Via Giuseppe Mercalli 13

00197 Roma RM

B Rectification (Article 16 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679);
C Cancellation (Article 17 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679);
D Limitation (Article 18 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679);
and Portability, understood as the right to obtain from the data controller the data in a structured format of common use and readable by automatic device to transmit them to another data controller without impediments (Article 20 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679);
F Opposition to processing (Art. 21 EU Regulation No. 2016/679);
G Withdrawal of consent to processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent acquired before the revocation (Article 7, paragraph 3 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679);
H Propose a complaint to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Article 51 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679). The information to lodge a complaint with the guarantor is available at:
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So many of you preordered the perfume.

Can Yaman Mania is currently out of stock.

We remind you that the only authorized channel for selling “Mania” is this site. With modalities and cost equal for allpublicly exposed.

Do you want to be notified as soon as it’s back? 

Can Yaman Mania is a unisex fragrance. For her, for him… For you